Thunder Plain NPC ZoneLevel 3-4Max ResourcesMetal=43,567Plain Fleet(NPC)War Report:Starbearer Zygard(KrypToNyte) and Plain Fleet(NPC)(Plain Fleet(NPC))
Army distribution before battle:
Attack side:Starbearer Zygard
The Death KnightZ(HP:130000)
Charged Photon Cannnon(126) Lateral Cannons(179) Emplacement(301)
Attack Plane-Gryphon(4131) Medium Cargo Ship(34) Battleship-Dawn(6) Cruiser(3501) Frigate-Longbow(2) Frigate(1004) Small Trade Ship(204) Attack Plane(6911) Battleship(1978) Battleship-Dark Star(
Cruiser-Impervious(141) Frigate-Dragon(6) Attack Plane-Ace(5)
Weariness:0% Morale:100%
Defensive side:Plain Fleet(NPC)
Attack Plane-Gryphon(185) Cruiser-Impervious(28) Frigate-Dragon(85) Battleship-Dawn(24)
Weariness:0% Morale:100%
After battle:
Attack side:Starbearer Zygard
The Death KnightZ(HP:127827)
Charged Photon Cannnon(126) Emplacement(301) Lateral Cannons(179)
Attack Plane-Gryphon(4131) Attack Plane(6911) Battleship(1978) Medium Cargo Ship(34) Battleship-Dawn(6) Battleship-Dark Star(
Cruiser-Impervious(141) Cruiser(3501) Frigate-Dragon(6) Frigate-Longbow(2) Attack Plane-Ace(5) Frigate(1002) Small Trade Ship(204)
Defensive side:Plain Fleet(NPC):
Totally Destroyed
KrypToNyte obtained Military Reputation of 1816,
and seized the trophy: 18945 G 600 S .
Plain Fleet(NPC) obtained Military Reputation of 0,
and seized the trophy: 0 S .
The War Report address: Guardian Fleet BOSSWar Report:Starbearer Zygard(KrypToNyte) and Tower Guardian Fleet(Plain Fleet(NPC))
Army distribution before battle:
Attack side:Starbearer Zygard
The Death KnightZ(HP:126041)
Charged Photon Cannnon(126) Lateral Cannons(179) Emplacement(301)
Attack Plane-Gryphon(4131) Medium Cargo Ship(34) Battleship-Dawn(6) Cruiser(3501) Frigate-Longbow(2) Frigate(997) Small Trade Ship(204) Attack Plane(6911) Battleship(1978) Battleship-Dark Star(
Cruiser-Impervious(141) Frigate-Dragon(6) Attack Plane-Ace(5)
Weariness:2% Morale:100%
Defensive side:Tower Guardian Fleet
Charged Photon Cannnon(500) Emplacement(1200)
Attack Plane-Gryphon(300) Cruiser-Impervious(100) Frigate-Dragon(1000) Battleship-Dawn(600)
Weariness:0% Morale:100%
After battle:
Attack side:Starbearer Zygard
The Death KnightZ(HP:120320)
Charged Photon Cannnon(126) Emplacement(248) Lateral Cannons(178)
Battleship-Dark Star(5) Attack Plane-Gryphon(3698) Cruiser-Impervious(127) Battleship(1955) Attack Plane(5623) Cruiser(3500) Medium Cargo Ship(34) Frigate(435) Battleship-Dawn(4) Small Trade Ship(204)
Defensive side:Tower Guardian Fleet:
Totally Destroyed
KrypToNyte obtained Military Reputation of 19200,
and seized the trophy: Viking 243338 G 400 S .
Plain Fleet(NPC) obtained Military Reputation of 0,
and seized the trophy: 0 S .
The War Report address: